14th Amendment and Debt Limit

Does the 14th Amendment give the President power to unilaterally raise the debt limit? I think you could just as well make the case that it implies that spending should be reduced.

If the debts of the Federal government should “not be questioned”, you could say that implies that the President has the power to unilaterally cut spending. That makes just as much sense as any other interpretation.

It is clear to me that the 14th Amendment was not intended to imply either of these powers, but rather the validity of existing debt.

As I have said before, the value of the Constitution is that it sets forth a set of principals for enlightened self-government, which has never been surpassed. Trying to reinterpret those principals is not the point. The point is that enlightened self-government does require a few basic premises, and those premises are what need to be defended.

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