October 2012

“Economic Patriotism” – Obama’s new code word for “wealth redistribution”

It is a major tactic of the totalitarian to coin new words. As in Orwell’s 1984, the  function of the Ministry of Truth was to falsify public records, and then believe in the newly rewritten history as the truth. This practice was dubbed “doublethink” by Orwell. The liberals and progressives of today are masters of trying […]

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Bipartisanism – what it means depends on who you are

“Bipartisanism as liberals see it” – catch phrase for “you need to adopt my policies”. “Bipartisanism as conservatives see it” – catch phrase for doing the right thing for the all of the citizens and taxpayers. It is inherent in the liberal agenda, goals and dreams to have a large, central government that controls the […]

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Debate Round One – what was not said

While Gov. Romney’s winning performance in the first debate is very widely recognized, there are a few issues that were not brought up at all. The important role that marriage plays in combating poverty. That federal welfare programs can function as a poverty trap, especially since the gutting of the work requirements that made welfare […]

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Debate Round One: the war of “specifics”

The Obama camp’s main fault with Gov. Romney is that he lacks “specifics”. But this is a bogus issue. Romney in fact gave many specifics about his plans. No matter what Romney says or now specific, the opposition will say, “short on specifics.” Par for the course to say that. What about Obama’s specifics? One of […]

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What could possibly go wrong?

So let me get this straight. This is a long sentence. We are going to be gifted with a healthcare plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which reportedly covers ten million more people without adding a single new doctor, but provides for sixteen thousand new IRS agents, written by […]

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