April 2011
Super MariObama
Perfect analogy from L. Brent Bozell: Super MariObama. Love it! I commented as follows: The only rational explanation is the the left wants to fulfill its long-held goal of reshaping the world into the “hope and change, fundamental transformation” that is a code word for destruction of the present America by collapsing our dollar and […]
Obama loves America
Obama loves America. It is true! But what is “America” that he loves? In fact it is a fictional ideal where there is “social justice.” But what is “social justice?” In the modern liberal philosophy, “social justice” has become a euphemism for “equal results for all.” But how can that possibly be fair? How can […]
Bigger Pie vs. Smaller Pie with more equal slices
A fundamental tenet of the radical left is redistribution of wealth. That is, carve up the pie so that the slices are more equal. The greater the equalization, the smaller the pie becomes, as only by punishing the creation of wealth can the slices be equalized. There is a limit to equalization, because men are […]
Let’s Push a New Approach: “Increased Tax Revenue from the Rich”
Every past “tax cut” in rates has produced a bonanza of economic activity during which the rich have in fact paid more taxes because their business increased. Why can’t we work this into a winning tactic? Instead of “tax increases” on the rich, let’s have “revenue increases” from the rich, which are enacted by business-friendly […]
The spine of a chocolate eclair
Republicans have plenty of guts when it does not count (“non-binding resolution having no chance in Senate”) but when it makes a difference, they have the spine of a chocolate eclair.
The ultimate Affirmative Action
The Sean Hannity interview of Donald Trump is a good summary of the “passes” that Barack Obama continually receives. Obama has numerous well-documented actions which are at best suspect and more probably actually illegal. Such as the Tony Rezko real-estate deal. Others have written at length on the subject of Obama’s corruption and crimes, as I […]
Who is John Galt? – See the movie (Atlas Shrugged) April 15th
I have eagerly been awaiting the release of Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 on April 15th. It is an interesting story about how this movie almost did not get made. I first found on IMDB that the movie had been years and years through a series of attempts to be made. However, Hollywood being Hollywood, it was apparently […]
“Tax Cuts for the Rich” – another cynical leftist slogan
“Tax Cuts for the Rich”. Leftists don’t care a whit about fairness or government revenue. This slogan is simply another means to grab power. If the left really cared about fairness, then they would see that the current situation in which 48% paying no taxes and the top 1% paying 40% of the taxes is […]
Hearing before Minnesota House on Voter ID
On Thursday, April 7, 2010 I attended and gave testimony at a hearing before the Finance Committee of the Minnesota House of Representatives. The purpose of the hearing was largely to obtain testimony of individuals on the bill, HF210 known as the “21st Century Voter ID” Bill. Naturally, this bill is strongly opposed by labor, […]
Why Obama hides his birth certificate – Trumped!
At first, I thought “hiding a birth certificate” is evidence of something wrong. Then I realized Obama keeps the opposition distracted by this ploy — a smart ploy to take attention away from the real issues, and just bog down and discredit opponents. Until Trump has come along and taken the bait! If Trump is […]