Repeal of individual mandate
Blaming the repeal of the individual mandate for people not having health care is like blaming the warden that allowed prisoners to escape for depriving them of three squares a day.
When will we decide to fight this war?
There can be such a thing as a lone wolf but this is not what we are seeing. We are seeing soldiers of the enemy. Islamic terrorism cannot be defeated until we stop trying to fight it as the last war and realize that new tactics are required. We don’t know yet all of the tactics. […]
Fundamental transformation
Obama = fundamental transformation of America Trump = fundamental transformation of government
Year of Democrat backfires
Shooting blanks For several years now the Democrats have very little in the way of policy. Their main campaign thrusts have been that they are not like their opponents. They attack their opponents with bullets of “isms” and phobias. That is, they fire their epithet bullets of racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, etc. But […]
Clinton loss due to Comey, racism? Yes, in a way.
As reported here, Clinton campaign staffers are blaming Comey and racism for her loss. In a way, this is true. It is not Comey or racism however, it is the “blaming”. That is, the Dem party is doubling down on an Alinsky blame game that has run its course and is backfiring more than having […]
Supply side–create more stuff for the people; Demand side–take stuff away from the people
The debate over Supply Side or not-Supply Side, call it Demand-Side is another laughable exercise in elitist sophistication and bubble-think. “Oh, we tried supply-side and it did not work”. Nonsense. Here is the common sense of it: supply side says to make every one better off, we have to create more stuff, and government should […]
A Democrat complains about Republican President Elect
“Goodbye free government, free elections, free speech, and free press, as well as all civil liberties.” The election of 2016? No the 1876 election of Rutherford Hayes over Samuel Tildon. Another famous Democrat Joseph Pulitzer – of Pulitzer Prize fame – called for 100,000 armed Tilden supporters to storm Washington D.C. Fortunately, it did not happen. In 2016, […]
Election night futures tank; market opens slightly up–why?
During election night the market acted on its innate, media-driven fears. The media continued to believe its own stilted viewpoint. The media has in its heart actually ignored Trump until now, except when he acted the buffoon, or otherwise fit their desired narrative. Then during the President-Elect’s first speech, something new and unexpected happened: the […]
An unprotected class it is ok to oppress
We must respect all people, regardless of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age. But what about political orientation? Where is the outrage at the blatant bias, hatred, oppression against those whose political orientation is different? Just go to most college campuses for examples of bigotry, hatred and oppression of […]