July 2011
America the Free
Dick Morris posted a great 4th of July video, Celebrating America’s Freedom, showing just how special is the freedom we have in the United States. Some of the more striking points he made: In England, they cast one vote every five years, and that’s it. In the United States we have many elections, including ballot […]
Boehner Plan passes the House – cuts $7
Cutting $917 billion over ten years is a joke. That is only $92 billion a year. That is pocket change. If it even happens! Call me a cynic, but we will never see cuts of that amount. Unless there would be additional spending cuts that are real, you will see spending continue to increase. When […]
Real question on US credit downgrade
What people don’t realize is that the underlying question is how big the US government should be. Until that is decided, the right only has its talking points, and the left its ad hominem attacks. First agree on whether the public sector should be 35%, 44%, 55%, 65% of the economy. Then come up with […]
Why don’t we agree how big the public sector should be?
I would like to see some discussion on a policy that determines explicitly how big the public sector should be. This goal should be openly debated, and once agreed, no spending or tax policy should be enacted that disturbs this balance. I believe that until agreement on the size of government is made, it will […]
I agree to raise taxes to any rate you want, as long as they are voluntary
I agree to raise taxes to any rate you want, as long as they are voluntary. If income taxes were voluntary, I would not care how high they were. You show me a “rich” person who says he has no problem with paying higher taxes, and who is voluntarily paying higher taxes. You might not be […]
Republican Empathy
I thank the Minnesota Republican Majority for standing strong for principals of smaller government and the free market during the recent Minnesota state govenment shutdown. Only by having a robust private sector will there be jobs and prosperity. The social safety net is something of last resort. It is not intended to provide an alternative […]
Abortion verses circumcision – yet another double standard
“Keep your hands off my body.” An acceptable request for the pro-abortionists, but not for parents of males? Why is government intervention not equally viewed in these cases? If it is ok to have government intervention to prevent a surgery, why is this same thinking not applied to abortion?
New Conservative Tactic? Start calling tax, spending cuts increases
Here is a new Conservative tactic: start calling all tax and spending cuts increases. Here is a sample headline: “Republicans propose increased spending and taxes.” The fine print shows that while they wanted a 20% decrease, they are “compromising” on a 10% decrease. Let’s start calling that an increase. It is the standard of language […]
Obamacare Titanic
Like the Titanic, Obamacare continues to sail towards the iceberg, while Ryan is the lookout shouting “NO, go the other way!” However, the captain of the Titanic says “full steam ahead” because we are unsinkable.
Immigration double standard
If laws passed by states regarding illegal immigration are wrong because they are superseded by Federal law, then why are sanctuary cities not also wrong? While the immigrant laws are yet to be debated and are thus at this point moot, it is very clear that the sanctuary city provisions are in contradiction of Federal […]