June 2011
Bachmann a socialist? Then libs are capitalists.
If Bachmann is a socialist, then by the same logic, the liberals are capitalists. On the Chris Matthews show, Michele Bachmann was accused of being a socialist because she took farm subsidies. By the same argument, any liberal who accepted a reduction in taxes of any kind that was intended to promote “capital”, is thus […]
Open letter to our Congressmen and Congresswomen
The government is the people’s servant, not their master. The overgrown monstrosity it has become is going down the path of enslavement. You cannot have “partial socialism.” The only way socialism survives is by becoming totalitarian. Just because it is a gradual creep towards more and more control does not mean that there is some […]
Abolish the NLRB
Collective bargaining means bargaining at the point of a gun. It has no place in a free society unless the membership in unions is voluntary, and the bargaining table has fair participation of both sides. Freedom of assembly becomes a sham when union membership is coerce and union representation is a government-enforced monopoly. One example […]
The battle of the sound bites
In the battle of the sound bites, liberals have a distinct advantage. For example, when they say “tax cuts for the rich,” the conservative response requires a reasoned argument and an understanding of economic theory. In the modern environment, much dialog is conducted via sound bites. I submit that for Conservatives to have an effective […]
Liberal left is radical
Leftists often deny being radical. A radical is anyone who follows the Rules for Radicals of Saul Alinksy. Since the liberal left including President Obama follow these rules, they are thus by definition radical. What are some of those rules? radicals are really at war, and all tactics of war are permitted deception is their […]
Presidency is too big for one man?
John Steward said on Bill O’Reilly on May 16, 2011 that “the Presidency is too big for one man.” No, John, the Presidency as Constitutionally defined is not too big. Just that under Obama the Presidency has been allowed to usurp the role of the legislature. The creation of a “czar” implies the taking of […]