August 2011
Why bother with Congress? King Barack has made it null and void
Why bother with Congress? King Barack has made it null and void. Recent executive orders have shown we no longer need Congress. The legislative branch is now only a song and dance. Why should we continue the charade? We don’t need it anymore. Whatever the King (… oops, President) wants can simply be enacted by […]
“Hope and Change” – elimination of the private sector
“Hope and Change” actually means “I hope to change our free market system into a socialist system. I will do that by doing everything I can do destroy the US economy under the guise of social justice. Then when capitalism collapses, we replace it with the hope of the common man – Socialism.” From an […]
Politicians “for jobs” but a smaller private sector?
What does it mean when a politician says he is “for jobs”, but at the same time is for a smaller private sector? Liberals are often exactly described as wanting a smaller private sector: they want to raise taxes on wealth creators; they want to regulate, regulate, regulate; they want to create new entitlements and […]
Obama’s Magical Misery Tour
Obama’s Magical Misery Tour – check it out!
“Economics in One Lesson” – for our time
For the current debate, all of economics can be boiled down into one question: “do you want to make the public sector smaller, or bigger?” Henry Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson (see my post on the subject) wrote that the one lesson of economics is essentially “apply all economic measures to all people over the long […]
Tax Revenue not equal to Tax Rate
Raising tax revenue is not the same as raising tax rates! If they were the same, then any business could make more money but just raising their prices sky-high! We all know that is not true. In beginning business classes, the student learns the there is a price point that maximizes revenue. It is the […]
Same sex marriage verses polygamy
It seems to me that many of the arguments put forth in favor of same sex marriage would also apply to polygamy. For example, the following issues are argued to support gay marriage: raising of children can be done favorably people loving each other should not be kept from marrying absence of negative effects of […]
The left is not rational.
The left is not rational and therefore never thinks. Instead it acts on “faith” — the faith that even though socialism has never worked that this time it will. But it cannot work because it contradicts human nature of acting in ones’ own self interest. See my post Bill Maher says liberals are “faith-based” for my “pithy […]
How big should government be?
There is no way to have any political or economic discussion without first presenting your opinion on how big government should be. Conservatives believe government is too big to have prosperity. Liberals believe that prosperity is irrelevant, and that the government should not only provide a safety net, but the basics of food, clothing, shelter, […]