December 2011
Frustrations with the National Republican Leadership
Only RINOs get to the top. It seems to me the Republican Party is structured to gather conservatives at the grassroots. But if you want to rise in the party, you have to go through a filtering process that guarantees that only RINOs will rise into positions of leadership. What do I mean by a […]
What’s wrong with politics
I am coming to the conclusion that politics, like our judicial system, is not based on “what is right” but rather on “what makes the best sound bite.” The decisions of our courts, it has been longly lamented, is not based on “what is just”, but rather on “who makes the best argument.” Therefore, justice […]
Isn’t it racist?
Isn’t it racist for one to say any of the following: a black man is not entitled to have a great job; a black man does not have the ability to excel; a black man is naturally inclined towards crime a black man is not able to think for himself. I think nobody would disagree. Then why […]
The Pirate’s Bill of Rights.
Isn’t it the First Amendment that gives the right to free speech, to assemble, to occupy and convert the property of others to your own use? … No wait, that’s the Pirate’s Bill of Rights. Oh, well.