March 2012
Subsidies for Big Oil
Who complains about subsidies for Big Oil? Who complains about raising taxes on the wealthy? Those who complain about such government policies in most cases are missing the point. I believe such complainers assume that such measures are benefiting or penalizing management and shareholders. But Econ 101 says otherwise. If a business is either rewarded […]
Totalitarian Liberals
Recently in another blog I coined the term “Totalitarian Liberals.” There was some discussion about how that is a bit of hyperbole. Like the terms, ‘extremist’ ‘radical’ ‘fascist’ etc., they are being used so often now that they are seen as over the top epithets we throw at our enemies. When talking to disinterested people […]
Burial insurance and eating broccoli
During arguments before the Supreme Court on Obamacare, even the Supremes brought up the constitutionality of having the government being able to force the purchase of burial insurance, eating broccoli and buying a Chevy, among other compulsions. While these counter arguments may seem to point out the flaw in the positions of the liberals, if […]
Keep your death panels away from my life!
Don’t the pro-abortion folks say “keep your hands off my body?” Why is this any different? Keep your death panel away from my life! Please click on the link to urge your representatives to vote to repeal the sections of Obamacare establishing the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. We don’t want the government deciding what care […]
Why is it that the liberals, who profess peace and love, never seem to be peaceful and lovable?
Why is it that the liberals, who profess peace and love, never seem to be peaceful and lovable? We all know about the litany of left-wing hate speech emanating from the likes of Bill Maher, Ed Shultz, Keith Olbermann, Matt Taibbi, Chris Matthew (as noted by Kirsten Powers, a well-known liberal blogger and news analyst […]
I am being disenfranchised! My vote is being nullified by the lefty scammers who have figured out how to game the system. Conservatives dont’ really care about Voter ID as an end in itself — it is a means to fair elections. Liberals don’t really care about disenfranchisement — they want all means available to […]
What liberals mean by “affordable”
I get the feeling that what liberals really mean by “affordable” is “price-controlled.” That is, it is a code word for saying that the market does not properly determine pricing and that intervention in the market is desirable. To not be very original, while the free market may be a terrible way to allocate resources, […]
Obama Administration repeated law breaker
According to a report released through the Republican Attorneys General Association there are 18 specific instances where the Obama Administration broke the law. Rather than repeat the list here, I encourage you to click on the above link for the original article. It seems to me that there is a “repeated pattern of lawlessness.” And I […]
Liberal columnist calls out misogynists on the left
The liberal Kirsten Powers is taking a principled and remarkable stand in support of all women, regardless of political alignment. She has written a column on the subject titled Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist. I have in the past been irritated by Powers’ usual strong liberal bias, but she is standing up for […]
Hybrid vehicles: coal plus nuclear
My reaction to a Prius driver who is smug in his “environmental correctness”: I ask him how his coal-burner is running. At least in my state, 60 percent of electric generation is produced by burning coal. And in my state, nuclear contributes 25 percent. So a Prius is truly a hybrid: a hybrid of coal […]