December 2010
Seems we are about to see the complete sell out of the Conservative movement all across the board, as all “Republicans” show their true RINO colors, led by Murkowski, who we now see has no allegiance to anybody but herself, and certainly no obligation to the GOP. I personally am “fit to be tied” and […]
Yet Another Double Standard? Honor Killings
I just heard a defense against strong action against potential “honor killers” because a “crime has not yet been committed.” Well and good. But what about the Arizona anti-illegal (immigration) law, which was criticized by the Left because “it might lead to racial profiling?” I remember that the defense of the law on the basis […]
Let’s find another problem to justify expansion of government – the Internet
Now the Internet “needs fixing”, regardless of whether it is broken. Typical. Just another “problem” to justify expansion of government. But the Internet “might” be broken”. Just like “the Arizona immigration law might lead to racial profiling.” And once the camel gets its nose under the tent of Internet Service providers, you can bet they […]
Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share?
If you say “the rich don’t pay their fair share,” you should really say “the tax burden on the rich is not increasing fast enough.” Not only do the top income earners pay most of the taxes, their share of the tax burden has grown over the years. The following statistics are from the IRS: […]
Government Spending is Zero-Sum Game; Tax Cuts Are Not
Is the economy a zero sum game? Does the success of one person only come at the expense of another? It is manifestly obvious that when someone creates wealth by creating some new business, that does not deprive another person of their wealth. By freely exchanging, both sides of the exchange are better off and […]
Importance of Private Property
When you don’t have strong protection of private property, as in many less developed countries, you have poverty. John Stossel makes this case very clearly in his recent post: Why Do the Poor Stay Poor? He quotes Hernando de Soto, president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Peru, who said in part that […]
Tactic to Repeal Obamacare
It is critical that the Republicans present an alternative bill at the same time as they attempt to repeal Obamacare. It is not enough to say “repeal it in toto – worry about a replacement later.” By not having an immediate replacement bill, the Republicans will be accused of being the “party of no”, and […]
Al Sharpton’s ignorance
When asked how much of the tax burden the rich should pay Al Sharpton once said “15%”. When informed that the rich already pay over 50%, he quickly changed the subject. I have been trying to find a video clip of that interview, which I remember seeing fairly recently, to confirm that I got the […]
Conservatives have basic beliefs; Progressives believe what ever suits the need of the moment. Conservatives hold to these principles: rule of law private property free market individual responsibility small government Progressives seem to have principles. However, they abandon them at the drop of a hat if it serves their purpose at the moment. For example, […]
Liberals “wish” and they think it is so
It would be wonderful to be able to “wish” something and have it come true. Liberals think “it would be nice if poverty could be eliminated” and so they create legislation (Johnson’s “war on poverty”) and then they think the problem is solved. Or “it would be nice if everyone was covered” by health insurance. […]