April 2012
Fair tax and Internet Sales Tax
I am not yet convinced that Internet commerce should exempt from sales tax. Here is my comment to some who “blindly” oppose Internet sales tax. There are two “hands:” (1) on the one hand, if you are simply looking at the taxation of Internet sales in isolation, then you might take the position that any […]
Good things done by President Obama
Critique of the liberal in trying to show that Conservatives won’t give credit where it is due: “Can’t you conservatives even name one good thing that President Obama has done?” Now we have a couple of things: – he is a good father; – he has energized the Conservative base as never before possible; – […]
GPA Redistribution
Here is a great idea for all liberal-minded college students: GPA Redistribution! The Gutfeld Rule says that if you have a GPA of 3.8% or higher, you must give 8% of your GPA away to others. It makes good sense. After all, if you took public transportation or traveled on public roads to school, are […]
Thoughts on Internet Sales Tax
Some people are taking a strong position against Internet Sales tax. I think that at this time the government should not be allowed to expand taxing authority over Internet sales. However, I have some mixed thoughts about the topic in general. One viewpoint against Internet sales tax states that the power to tax is the […]
A transparent tax system is needed
Our tax policy is fundamentally flawed. I just heard a Democrat strategist claiming that “most people think their tax burden is fair.” Yeah, when you count all those not paying taxes or even getting a check from the government, you easily get a majority that thinks the system is fair. Basically, the problem boils down […]
Obama’s Top 10 Failed Promises
Listen to the promises of the Campaigner in Chief — are they worth anything? You can judge for yourself by looking the the Top 10 Obama Failed Promises at http://www.failedpromise.com/. He fails on them all. Here is the list: One-term proposistion? The 8 Percent Promise Where are the Green Jobs? Cut the Deficit in Half […]
Diane Sawyer on how we give “shovel ready jobs” to the Chinese.
In case you missed it, here is a video from ABC’s Diane Sawyer on how we give “shovel ready jobs” to the Chinese. In defense of those giving the work to the Chinese, if you were running a business and minding your P&L, could you justify buying a higher cost service solely for political reasons? […]
Left going to start the “real job” qualification battle?
Hilary Rosen has criticized Ann Romney for not having a “real job.” Do they really want to go there? Do they really want to open up what will become a huge can of worms for Candidate Obama and his team? Let’s make a list of the “real jobs” held by Obama. Here it is: () […]
President Obama is Budgetary “Creationist”
President Obama calls Paul Ryan’s budget “Social Darwinism”. That must mean that the President is a budgetary “Creationist.” And this would be true, as he persists in creating money out of nothing, saying “let there be deficits” and money is created out of nothing. At least capitalists create wealth out of labor, capital and knowledge. […]