February 2013
Spending problem?
I am thinking “spending problem verses taxes-too-low problem” — it is all just cover for the real argument: whether government should be bigger or smaller. If you think government should be bigger, then there is no way you think in your heart that there is a spending problem. Growing the government of course means more […]
Open letter to all political fundraisers
I have the idea that the main purpose of many of the political fund raising entities is simply to raise funds. I am referring to the many mail and email solicitations that I receive. No more contributions until I see a “program statement” similar to what many charities provide. Tell me how much is spend on […]
Republicans take up the Democrat battle cry – “no spending cuts”
The Democrats are laughing all the way to the bank. Their know in their hearts that the Republican Party is over. It is just window dressing to talk about “annihilation of the Republicans”. Because it has already been accomplished. Anybody who would like to see cutting the size of government should celebrate the sequester as […]
The Conservative strategy needed to win elections
Do the Republicans and Conservatives want to win elections? They certainly have not acted as if they did. If Conservatives want to win elections, they need to take a page out of the Alinsky left: practicality. What does this mean? It means that you have to look at what motivates voters now, and what turns […]
What if I filed my taxes using “Obama math”
In the State of the Union speech, President Obama claimed to have reduced the deficit over two trillion dollars. And here I thought the deficit had increase six trillion under his watch. Never mind. Suppose I use this “Obama math” to file my taxes. How do I use Obama math to figure my income? As […]