September 2012
Are you really Pro-Choice?
If you are “pro-choice”, then are you advocating a women’s “right to choose?” Is this because you like freedom to choose? If so, then do you also like the freedom to choose in the following situations? School choice Choice to be or not to be in a labor union Choice in health care insurance or […]
Romney disappoints
I was extremely disappointed to watch Romney’s press conference yesterday which was his response to attacks on his previous remarks as described at Romney Video Crowds Out Bid to Sharpen His Message I felt that he wasted a huge opportunity to strike back and clarify the campaign. Instead, he was wishy-washy, milk-toast, gentlemanly, won’t attack the opponent, […]
Real facts on Voter ID: Point – Counterpoint
Here is a video that dramatizes the lies of those opposed to Voter ID and counters with the truth.
Anti-Muslim film simply a pretext
Why doesn’t everyone see that this whole film thing is simply a pretext. If there was no such film, all the attacks would have still occurred, with only a different pretext. The reason for the attacks is not the film. It is because they have declared war on us and it was 9/11. End of […]
Most terrifying line in Obama’s DNC speech
While President Obama’s speech has been roundly criticized by many for its many errors, distortions, and lies, it seem most people missed its most terrifying statement. Most terrifying line As published in an editorial in the Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) titled The Terrifying Line in Obama’s Speech That Everyone Missed, the worst statement of Obama was […]
Obama inherits
With the constant repetition of what Obama inherited from Bush, I thought I would add a few more inconvenient truths about what he inherited: Ability to kill Osama bin Laden (waterboarding, Gitmo, rendition; all vigorously opposed by Obama) Pulling out of Iraq (on Bush’s previously determined timetable) Gas at $1.85 per gallon United States AAA […]
No matter how you spin it, America loses with Obama
No matter how you spin it, America loses with Obama.
Obama’s real plan for solving unemployment
At the just concluded Democratic National Convention we heard no real plan from Obama to deal with unemployment. But the newly released unemployment figures show his real plan. While the unemployment rate itself went down, analysts are quick to point out that for every job created, there were four people who left the labor force. […]