November 2010

The “Union-Wealthy”

By the standards of the American working class, public sector union members are “wealthy.” I am going to call them the “union-wealthy.” The union-wealthy are those that have a secure job, with at least double the compensation and benefits beyond comprehension. What is is now, that such public sector employees earn an average of $150,000 […]

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Liberals don’t understand economics

In today’s Huffington Post, RJ Eskow shows his ignorance of how economics works. He still thinks that the government creates jobs. Our welfare state has created a situation where some are “pulling the wagon” and some are “riding in the wagon.” Any increase to wealth redistribution is simply putting more people in the wagon with […]

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Liberal Talking Points

Once again Robert Kuttner on the Huffington Post repeats his talking points. It is as if he thinks he will convince the opposition simply by repeating his position over and over. For example, “the solution is to the left ….” That is an opinion that is not substantiated by in enlightened society. As long as […]

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Warren Buffet says rich should pay higher taxes

Warren Buffet says the rich should pay higher taxes. There is nothing stopping the rich from paying higher taxes. The Treasury accepts any and all donations. Why doesn’t Mr. Buffet lead by example and start making large voluntary tax payments. I am sure many others will follow in his example. This could start a movement, […]

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Obama’s Gangster Government

Michele Bachmann, the “rock-star” from Minnesota, sticks by her statement about Obama’s Gangster Government. She first made the statement back in April 2010 as recorded on Yesterday she re-iterated the statement at a rally on the first day of the lame duck congress. Michael Barone of the Washington Examiner first coined the phrase to […]

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Not a zero-sum game

Why do progressives and socialists continue to believe in the myth of the zero-sum game? That is, for anyone to rise economically, it can only be on the back of the “oppressed.” It should be pretty clear that the miracle of economic opportunity that is the United States is based upon wealth creation. Wealth creation […]

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Vicious cycle of public sector unions

The Deficit Commission is leaving out a major problem: the unbridled growth of government and the interlocked unbridled growth of public sector unions. As I said in a previous post, I do not believe the public sector unions have a legitimate right to exist. Part of the problem is the following vicious cycle: Unions collect […]

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Obama: “people too dumb” – how about when they elected him?

Obama continues to blame everyone but himself. It is well-documented how he blames George Bush, the Republicans, Big Business, Wall Street, the bankers, talk radio, the Tea Party, Fox News, Sean Hannity, John Boehner, and the Chamber of Commerce. And oh yes, did I mention Bush? Now he seems to have settled on blaming the […]

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Tim Pawlenty says “oofdah”

In making his points about the failed Obama agenda, even Governor Tim Pawlenty says “offdah.” As in “you said unemployment would stay below 8 percent, and now its almost 10. Oofdah.”

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Prediction: Dems will take credit for improvements to economy made by Repubs return to sanity

Now that the Republicans will be able return the government to sanity, I would expect some economic improvement, as optimism returns. This is not to say that there are not huge disruptions that have yet to be cured through more pain. The huge borrowing and spending will take a while to absorb, and in fact […]

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