September 2013
Obama stunningly successful
One measure of success is how closely you have achieved your goals. Let’s look at Obama’s goals, making sure we look not at what he has said, but what he has done: Divide the country – achieved. Reduce the world standing of the United Status – achieved. Lose the trust of our allies and gain […]
End death penalty because they might be innocent?
It is an interesting position to say that the death penalty should be ended because the condemned might be innocent. What if we apply that same thinking to the unborn: they certainly are innocent. And they might be human life. If you want to play what if, you get some interesting possibilities.
Sad truth about politics in the 21st century
It is said the “right before might” and “truth defeats error”. Well, we are seeing that the low-information voter has upset this natural order. In the current US political scene, it appears that while truth may still trump error, “organization” trumps truth. The community organizers of the nation have found what works, and they have […]
Punish Syria for use of nerve gas
Punishing any country for acts of war? Really? So it is now the expanding role of the US as World Policeman to punish. In fact this is just another example of “not letting a crisis go to waster.”Just an excuse to expand government power because of some perceived crisis. But killing is killing, and it […]