March 2014
Problems with Obamacare just the beginning
Obamacare has the problems of all large socialist programs: The results of theĀ project become overwhelming the unintended consequences. People put in charge are chosen by political loyalty, not competence. The program is used to reward cronies. The stated purposes of the project continue to be trumpeted, but do not materialize. A major goal of […]
Obama says: walk softly and carry a big mouth
Obama says: walk softly and carry a big mouth
Tea Party is missing out
The Tea Party should galvanize its large grass roots membership to get on local boards, commissions, districts, and councils. The left has a 40-year head start, and thus school boards and city councils are dominated by them. We need to take them back! Plus, the left has a gigantic “farm system” for promoting viable candidates. […]
Why not $100 minimum wage?
If $10.10 is good for the minimum wage, why not $11.00? Or $15.00, $25.00 or even $100.00? All the arguments that apply to an increase to $10.10 also apply to any higher level. Go ahead, say “that’s ridiculous, you have to be reasonable”. But what is reasonable? Who decides? The President? Congress? An unelected committee? […]
Tea Party full of dilettantes and dabblers
Government has its lawful and righteous functions, but being in business is not usually one of them. But “pick your battles” may be the need of the hour to concentrate forces, until conservatives have majorities. As long as the conservative public is willing to delegate local government (boards, commissions, city councils, etc) to the left, […]