May 2011
The “good old days” of $4 gas
According to some, we will very soon be “wishing for the good old days of $4 gas.” It is Obama’s stated policy (via his energy czar Steven Chu) to have $8 gas. With that goal in mind, effectively stopping all drilling and related US production, supporting Brazilian production, etc. all makes sense. They really want […]
Time for some good old civil disobedience?
The health care waivers granted to some 1,400 organizations so far represent “unequal protection of the law.” All organizations subject to the “mini-meds” programs should be given a blanket waiver. Since the program apparently only works with waivers, all should get them. And if you don’t get them, why not just act if you did? […]
Heritage Budget Chart Book
If you want to see the facts on our out-of-control government, click over to the Heritage Budget Chart Book. It has 24 charts of incredible impact on all aspects of Federal government finances. For an example, here is a chart showing that entitlements will consume all tax revenue by 2049: Will this ever happen? Of […]
Truth verses Ideology
Once again we see the left will say anything to advance their cause. The most recent example is the flat-out denial by Obama, Biden, and Secretary Clinton, that “waterboarding does not work.” Why do they say anything regardless of any facts? It is because they are at war with the American system, and that “all […]
Government doublespeak: inflation defined out of existence
The government thinks it can deceive the public with inflation doublespeak. It has defined inflation out of existence. The definition of inflation is “the rise of all prices.” In effect what it really means is the reduced value of the currency. When all prices go up, it means merely that the value of the currency […]