September 2011
Exploitation of private day care providers by “evil parents?”
In Minnesota there is a movement to unionize private day care providers. What nonsense! Governor Dayton was threatening to impose such unionization by executive order, but has since backed off with that. See Governor Dayton’s remarks. It is the case that “evil parents are exploiting the private day care providers?” The whole enterprise of private […]
Trickle down economics does work!
A mantra of the liberal is “trickle down does not work”, “trickle down does not”, “trickle down does not work” – as if constant repetition makes it true. Trickle down does work. Look at the poor in the US: they have cars, sometime two they have air conditioning they have microwaves they have TVs, cell […]
Why have unions become the problem?
Is uncontrolled monopoly a good thing? Should we allow the big airlines, phone companies, and cable companies to merge? I think it is obvious that monopolies prove that “power corrupts” and that nobody thinks we should encourage unregulated monopolies. Unions are no different. They are unregulated monopolies, and power has led to their corruption. Next […]
Why I oppose the ground-zero mosque.
The ground-zero mosque is not an implement of religion; it is an implement of cultural warfare. If you are in favor of the ground-zero mosque, let me ask you some questions: Are you a criminal? If no, do you believe that there are criminals in the world? These first two questions simply create a “straw […]
How big should the government be?
Why is there no explicit policy debate on exactly how large government should be? It is one thing to say “I am for smaller government” — but how small? 20% of the economy? 30%? 40%? Having the a a person’s view helps one understand his or her position, and where they are coming from. I […]