January 2013
People control
More school shootings! It is like a conspiracy to advance the cause of gun control. But gun control is not about guns; it is about control. You don’t shoot to kill, you shoot to stay alive. Assault is a behavior, not a device. 64,999,987 firearms owners kill no one yesterday. But you say “it is […]
Should government run like a business? No!
You often hear people ask whether government should be run like a business. The big picture answer is a resounding “No!”. In some aspects, government would be better is certain business-like methods were used. However, if you look at a prime goals of most businesses you find that one of the most important goals is […]
Socialist systems must continually become more powerful: wagon pullers verses wagon riders
Regarding wagon pullers vs wagon riders: when you have a progressive tax system, you can get into a no-win situation, because every tax cut looks like it unfairly favors the rich. And every spending cut looks like it unfairly punishes the poor. You really have no place to combat this from. Thus you have a […]
They have stabbed me in the heart with their DIRCs!
By actions taken today to raise the debt limit with no spending cuts, I see that the Republican leadership hates me. It wants to do me in. It is just begging to be a part of the Dem party. I say to all Conservative activists, it is time to stand up against this travesty. No […]
Obama’s America is not exceptional
What makes a country exceptional? One of the main distinguishing features causing exceptionalism is the huge increase in freedoms provided to Americans. If America was exceptional, we would have the following: the ability for each person to rise as far as their talent and efforts take them; we would have certain Constitutional guarantees, such as […]
What is the nature of Obama and the Democratic leadership? higher taxes more spending bigger governnment I cannot vote for that. What is the nature of the GOP Congressional leadership? capitulation surrender cave Cannot vote for that either! Thank God for the Republican state governors and state houses! I could vote for that. What does […]