November 2016
A Democrat complains about Republican President Elect
“Goodbye free government, free elections, free speech, and free press, as well as all civil liberties.” The election of 2016? No the 1876 election of Rutherford Hayes over Samuel Tildon. Another famous Democrat Joseph Pulitzer – of Pulitzer Prize fame – called for 100,000 armed Tilden supporters to storm Washington D.C. Fortunately, it did not happen. In 2016, […]
Election night futures tank; market opens slightly up–why?
During election night the market acted on its innate, media-driven fears. The media continued to believe its own stilted viewpoint. The media has in its heart actually ignored Trump until now, except when he acted the buffoon, or otherwise fit their desired narrative. Then during the President-Elect’s first speech, something new and unexpected happened: the […]