Michele Bachmann, the “rock-star” from Minnesota, sticks by her statement about Obama’s Gangster Government. She first made the statement back in April 2010 as recorded on TheHill.com. Yesterday she re-iterated the statement at a rally on the first day of the lame duck congress.
Michael Barone of the Washington Examiner first coined the phrase to refer to the takeover by government of industries one by one.
The legacy of Obama’s Gangster Government includes the following, so far:
- Banking industry (refusal to allow pay back of TARP loans to retain control)
- HealthCare (Obamacare)
- Insurance (AIG)
- Mortgage (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac)
- Student Loans (Obamacare)
- US Auto Industry (GM and Chrysler)
- Credit Card Industry (Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act)
If unstopped, next on the agenda:
- Coal Industry (Cap and Tax)
- Petroleum Industry (Cap and Tax)
- Food Industry (regulations in the most progressive strongholds of San Francisco and Washington DC)
- The Internet (“net neutrality”)
What’s left?
Education and social safety net have long been relegated to government domination, so that battle is seemingly over.
Do you recognize the pattern? As promised by Obama the candidate, it is simply the “transformation of government as we know it” into a highly socialized state. And cemented into place with amnesty to illegal aliens, with the intention of perhaps an additional 20 million guaranteed votes for the socialists, which would perpetuate that transformation into the indefinite future.
Fortunately, the American people have also recognized the pattern. The sleeping giant has awoken. If not for Obama, the giant would still slumber. So in an odd turn, the rejuvenation of the spirit of freedom in America can be credited most of all to Barack Hussein Obama.