Seems we are about to see the complete sell out of the Conservative movement all across the board, as all “Republicans” show their true RINO colors, led by Murkowski, who we now see has no allegiance to anybody but herself, and certainly no obligation to the GOP.
I personally am “fit to be tied” and will withdraw all support for the RINOs. I hope the Tea Party wakes up to this gigantic betrayal.
Of course I am talking about the Republicans in the Senate who have just put on a huge “banquet” for Obama and fed him the “lunch” of the American people and the Conservative cause. The biggest sell outs are the following:
- Thad Cochran, Mississippi
- Bob Corker, Tennessee
- Mike Crapo, Idaho
- Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
- Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
- Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Of all the things that have riled me up in the actions of those who want to weaken America, put it down, confiscate the wealth created by the successful, be politically correct in all things except in traditional values, etc, etc … I am most riled up by the actions of the Senate Republicans who sold out in the last two weeks. I really believed they understood Conservative principals.
I feel betrayed.