September 2010

New Political Party – the Cry Baby Party

The Cry Baby Party has arrived on the scene! It is a new political party which has the following implicit platform: Cry Baby Party Platform The candidate’s campaign is to be started within an existing party The candidate will take funds and support from the existing party The candidate makes promises to the supporters The […]

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Pledge to America

America’s founding values are proven to work. The path to serfdom is proven to fail. Prove me wrong! The Pledge to America puts into writing something close to the principles of the Tea Party. Yes, it could be improved. Let’s hope that we get a chance to see it improved through a process of open, […]

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Is the Tea Party Racist? Study of Mark Lamont Hill vs Real Clear Politics

Is the Tea Party racist? In a presentation by Mark Lamont Hill, Ph.D on the O’Reilly Factor on 27-Sep-2010, evidence was given to show the Tea Party is racist. Bill O’Reilly rebutted the arguments, and presented the analysis of Real Clear Politics which belied the studies that Dr. Hill was citing. One key point that […]

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Obamacare is a sinking ship – the captain will go down with the ship

Obamacare is a sinking ship. And the captain will go down with the ship. At this point, the each of the huge number of exposures of the truth and the lies about Obamacare have become part of the common narrative. “Everybody knows this is true.” That is, the flaws are now widely known and accepted. […]

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Put the United Nations on a “zero-based participation rationale”

The United Nations should be put on a “zero-based participation budget”. That is, rather than keep belonging to it because it made sense during the Cold War, the US should re-evaluate our participation each year. And if there is no good reason to stay a member, we should drop out. I submit that the reasons […]

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“Fox News lies!” – Oh, yeah? Show me one lie.

Leftist spokesman are climbing over each other in a mad race to make their case. Having lost the battle for ideas, policy, and in fact the ability to govern, they are reduced to attacking their opponents with negativity. The flavor of the week is “Fox News.” Last week, “John Boehner” did not work. Even President […]

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Rule of Law – Rule by Authority

Our country and indeed Western democracy is founded on the Rule of Law. One of the strongest memories I have on the subject of the Rule of Law comes from Sir Thomas More. In A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More is quoted on Wikipedia: What would you do? Cut a great road through […]

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The US should quit the UN

For a long time there were arguments that the UN was a least somewhat beneficial. For example: “it prevents nuclear war with the Soviets.” There are no longer any such arguments. The UN is 100 percent bad for the US. The US should quit and withdraw all funding. The UN serves as a mouthpiece and […]

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Power vs. Principle

This election is the Battle Royale  of Power verses Principal. When someone campaigns within a political party for the nomination, one presumes that that person supports the principles of their party. Not only that, they pledge to support the nominee. So when Charlie Crist and Lisa Murkowski abandon their party’s nominee, they prove the following […]

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Stimulus? – NO!

I just read the article at Fox News about $111M in “stimulus” money to create just 55 jobs. What more proof is needed to show that the government is incompetent and cannot be trusted at the size it is, let alone a bigger size. Every big-government, tax-and-spend, pork barrel, self-serving liberal should have this rubbed […]

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