Bipartisanism – what it means depends on who you are

“Bipartisanism as liberals see it” – catch phrase for “you need to adopt my policies”.

“Bipartisanism as conservatives see it” – catch phrase for doing the right thing for the all of the citizens and taxpayers.

It is inherent in the liberal agenda, goals and dreams to have a large, central government that controls the populace. In such a system, this means “you need to adopt my policies”, and compromise means coercion. Obamacare is a prime example of how policies are implemented under such an agenda.

While the passing of Obamacare had lots of rhetoric about “freedom to keep your own health plan” and “freedom to keep your own doctor”, the conservative opponents knew the truth, and now everybody sees the truth: no such freedoms, increased costs, increased size of government, and coercion on a grand scale.

It is inherent in the conservative agenda, goals and dreams that citizens have economic and political freedom. Such an environment of freedom implies “live and let live” and compromise, without intrusive and unnecessary government regulation.

But the “downside” of political and economic liberty is that an informed and educated populace is required. We or our representatives all need to “read and understand the bill to know what is in it before it is passed.”

Under a Republican-controlled government, you will not see simply “coercion by the other side.” You will see true bipartisanship, wherein the goals and dreams of all citizens are brought to the table and true compromise is achieved.

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