Pithy Politics

Why Do Liberals Get Angry?

Liberals get angry because they pretend their ideas are valid, and get angry when anyone refuses to pretend the same.

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Charitable Contribution – Make Them a Tax Credit Instead of a Deduction

The whole concept of the welfare state rests on the presumption that charity alone is insufficient to provide a social safety net. This concept can be disproven in the following way: Change the tax code so that charitable contributions are a tax credit rather than a deduction. And such a tax credit should not be […]

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Tea Party vs. Kool-Aid Party

The Tea Party is an outgrowth the outrage and disgust of a wide range of patriotic Americans who espouse traditional American values. They are not “radicals” or “demogogues”, but represent the once named “Silent Majority.” The Tea Party was formed in response to the ramming through of the first Obama stimulus bill. This bill is […]

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Economics in One Lesson – Beware the “Sob Story”

Whenever anyone asks me for a recommendation on what to read for the true story of economics, I always say that if you can read only one book, it should be Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics by Henry Hazlitt. The “lesson” is essentially that to evaluate any […]

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Obama: Lies and Broken Promises

Obama will say anything, then do whatever he likes. While campaigning and trying to enact his agenda, President Obama made many promises with the objective of rallying support from all sides of the political spectrum. It appears that he is willing to say anything to gain support, and then simply break any promise. The following […]

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Time for US to drop United Nations?

Seems to be a taboo subject: that the US should drop the United Nations. Over the years the argument was that US support “preserves the peace.” I am now questioning that thinking. What are the arguments that support the idea that the UN “preserves the peace?” It is a non-factor.

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Who am I talking about?

We first knew he was far left. Then we knew he was a brilliant orator. Now we know his most important characteristic: he is incompetent. We need a leader; not one who “fiddles” while America burns. Guess who I am talking about? That who I am characterizing is so blatantly obvious, proves that soon everyone […]

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Open letter to the FCC: hate speech

Dear FCC: There is a lot of hate speech in the media. The liberal, progressive and leftist media of all forms continues to spew hate, bigotry and ignorance towards patriotic and freedom-loving Americans. Part of their strategy is to accused the patriots of what they are guilty of: “hate speech”. A simple comparison of videos […]

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Unearned freedom from want

Unearned freedom from want is only perfect when you are in prison Conservative ideas of freedom center on absence of coercion. “Freedom from want” is a liberal concept which is not part of “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.” Freedom from want is either earned or unearned. For the ultimate in freedom from want, consider […]

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A big Oofdah! to the boycotters: in perverse way, boycotts of Arizona help stem immigration

A big Oofdah! to the boycotters: In a perverse way, boycotts of Arizona help stem immigration. By adversely impacting the service industry of Arizona, the announced boycotts make Arizona a less attractive destination. Let’s say you are a potential migrant from Mexico and are thinking of a job in the hospitality industry. Suppose that industry […]

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