I heard part of the Dennis Prager show today in which he questioned a caller about why the left acts despicably but the right acts honorably. The caller did not have a good answer.
You may have covered this in another part of your show, but here is the simple answer:
The left has a tradition of thuggery and violence from standard labor union practice which it has sustained to the present day.
The right does not. And when it may have in the past, it has put that past behind.
But as we see with the recent longshoreman violence, violence in Wisconsin, the many incursions onto the home property, and now with OWS, this thuggery and lawlessness continues.
And it is institutionalized under the so-called Enmons Decision which allows government to unequally refrain from enforcing the law against union lawlessness. (See http://www.oofdah.com/?p=1185).
The Enmons Decision should be repealed.