When Liberals say something is it usually “code”. Here is how to decode what they are saying about the current political dialogue:
- When they say “civil discourse” — they mean accepting their position.
- When they say “find common ground” — they mean accepting their position.
- When they say “compromise” — they mean accepting their position.
- When they say “improve society” — they mean accepting their definition of the welfare state.
- When they say “eliminate tax cuts for the wealthy” — they mean “wealth redistribution.”
- When they say “failed Bush policies” — they mean anything Bush did, regardless of whether Obama did the same thing (one of the major failed Bush policies was enlarging the deficit. ‘Nuff said.)
When Liberals name their agenda items, here is how to decode them:
- When they say “improved health care” — they mean expand government.
- When they say “global warming” — they mean expand government.
- When they say “alternative energy” — they mean expand government.
- When they say “equal opportunity” — they mean expand government.
- When they say “bail out the states” — they mean bail out the unions.
- When they say “cap and trade” — they mean expand government.
The Liberals also thus attribute “code” language to Conservatives. That is, whenever they hear a Conservative talking point, they “translate” the statement according to their code. For example, here is how to decode how a Liberal hears a Conservative talking point:
- When they hear “small government” they hear “oppression of the masses.”
- When they hear “low taxes” they hear “take away our wealth redistribution.”
- When they hear “individual responsibility” they hear “get rid of the nanny state.”
- When they hear “free market” they hear “oppression of the masses.”
- When they hear “strong national defense” they hear “American imperialism.”