Promises of Liberalism:
- Justice and equality.
- Social welfare.
- Entitlement to basic needs.
Deliveries of Liberalism under Obama:
- Rule of law replaced by rule by man.
- A malaise in the economy that is the “new normal”.
- Drawing red lines we fail to enforce.
- Al Qaeda resurging.
- Releasing top Taliban leaders on a pretext.
- Continual misleading of the public by the President.
- Bypassing Congress to the extent the checks and balances no longer exist.
- Reduced role and influence of US.
- Black Panthers enforce voting privileges.
- Fast and Furious gun running to America’s enemies.
- Benghazi – is it a secret deal with terrorists to win an election?
- IRS takes on role of big brother to intimidate.
- Department of Justice becomes enforcer of injustice
- NSA spying on all Americans.
- Government determination to end the coal industry.
- Putin takes over sovereign countries.
- Iraq and Syria to be replaced by terrorist state.
- Southern border of US invaded.
- Veterans Administration administers death to veterans.
- Obamacare supposed to bring fairness but instead is implement of oppression.
- Government agencies free to lose emails at will.
- ____________ (fill in the latest debacle here as surely more will have appeared by the time you read this post).
Obama has been totally effective in achieving his goals because what has been delivered is exactly what he intends.
Do you still support Liberalism? Anyone who does not see the writing on the wall is truly misguided.