Added Facebook to Twitterfeed – test

I have just added Facebook to my Twitterfeed, as a test.

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Now using twitterfeed

I am not sure exactly how this is supposed to work, as there is next to zero doc. So this is kind of a test post.

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Just say NO to the Obama-Nation!

My rallying cry: “just say NO to the Obama-Nation!” I am getting involved by going beyond my precinct caucus to be the elected delegate to my local Senate district and County Conventions, and I am a first Alternate to the State Convention. I am acting on the concept that “politics is local”. I am not […]

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If the current bad health care bill passes — get ready for the Obama-Nation!

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False Economic Stimulus – True Economic Stimulus

False Stimulus Such a huge hype on “economic stimulus” these days! What is economic stimulus? The Progressives and Keynesians seem to think that any government spending is stimulus. And that it does not matter if the project is “pork” or “earmark-ish.” This is wrong. Consider the following: suppose there was a bakery, and some vandals […]

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About My Politics

Why now? With the recent upsurge in Constitutional Conservatism and the Tea Party, one might think that the battle for mindshare is over, and that Conservatives have their victory. It appears that the the majority of Americans are now standing up for their values: those of small government, individual responsibility, fiscal conservatism, and strong national […]

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Health Care Dog and Pony Show

Of the many possible “talking points” that could be extracted from the event: here is a very simple observation. The Dems strategy of trying to make it look like the sides are close to agreement often takes the form: “out of 11 components, we agree on 10” or something along those lines. The huge flaw: […]

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Progessives to create the Obama-nation

The progressives want to change the world and create the Obama-nation. You figure it out.

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Progessives want to change the world

I just saw David Horowitz on Glenn Beck. He made an important distinction that goes along with the concept of perfect vs protect. He said that Conservatives want to fix government; Progressives want to change the world. The Conservative idea is that the Constitution, small government, free markets and individual responsibility are the time-tested, proven […]

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We need to agree on what “bipartisan” means

Seems the liberals and conservatives need to agree on the meaning of the word “bipartisan.” As long as one group means “bipartisan” to mean that “you support my views and I do not give in one iota to yours” — no progress will be made.

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