The Liberal Goal – Power

I read over and over the Liberal causes: climate change, green energy, the gay movement, hispanics, the poor, cheap mortgages for everybody, and on and on.

I have concluded that many of the Liberals who work in these causes are disingenuous about their cause, in that their real motive is power, and the cause of the moment is simply their vehicle for achieving power.

It is “power to the people” all over again, where the people never end up with the power.

For example, when Obama wanted to put a moratorium on offshore drilling, it was a huge power grab that “will cause gas prices to skyrocket.” This is simply another wealth-confiscating power grab, plain and simple.

Cap and Trade is yet another huge power grab. And what is the health care legislation if not a huge power grab.

I have become very jaded when Liberals point to some group that is disadvantaged. “See those poor people — big government can help them.” So what happens? Another giant bureaucracy, wasteful program, rife-with-fraud monstrosity is created. And are the “poor people” helped? Perhaps, but perhaps not.

What is helped is to create another entrenched interest group, that then advances its own cause. Eventually you get Greece, where I hear about 60% or more of the populace worked for the government.

All socialist programs fail, because they eventually run out of other people’s money.

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